Banana fiber, a noble fabric
Did you know that we create hats from banana fibres. Every day the company innovates and creates in a different and responsible way.

Like a cycle, the trunk of the banana tree releases its stems after having shared its fruits with us. This fiber, which at first sight seems rather crude, is often left on the ground or burnt, and could bring disease or end up lost and wasted. But thanks to a meticulous purification process, it is now free of insects and other parasites.
Like a cycle, the trunk of the banana tree releases its stems after having shared its fruits with us. This fiber, which at first sight seems rather crude, is often left on the ground or burnt, and could bring disease or end up lost and wasted. But thanks to a meticulous purification process, it is now free of insects and other parasites.
Indeed, this adventure does not stop here, for our House, women are at the center of our concerns. And thanks to this new opportunity, many women have been able to find their independence and provide for themselves autonomously.
Of course, for us, the creation follows its course. After its arrival, the material is delicately and manually dyed to then be sculpted and take shape under the skillful fingers of the designer. In our hats signed Maison Fabienne Delvigne, you will find in this slightly pearly raw material, a symbiosis of nature, humanism, and art.
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