The Bell Hat’s History
The cloche hat, also known as a bell hat, is a bonnet with a folded brim that first appeared during the Roaring Twenties. These small hats wrap the head so that they emphasize the gaze of ladies. The cloche hat can be made of any material. In summer, for example, it can be made of parasisal straw, panama or even panabuntal: a very fine, high-quality material. In winter, it can be made of felt. Since they are rain-resistant and of an excellent quality, velvet and melusine felts are often favored by Maison Fabienne Delvigne.
So fresh, so comfortable
420€Our cloche hat with ribbon Perfect for your everyday look.
Timeless and sublime
485€Panama Bell Hat Small cloche hat in panama adorned with a bow in grosgrain ribbon.
590€ - 790€Winter flower Floral cloche hat
Lovely companion
590€Bell hat Cute little hat for a nice summer.
So soft
280€Soft little bell hat Very warm and comfortable
Perfect for Sunny Days
590€Perfect for Sunny Days Panama hat
Your ray of sunshine
590€Bell hat
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